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We gain insights by understanding our customers’ needs and use our technical expertise to tailor solutions to help maximize their market advantage moving forward.


Sustainability is a vital part of our core business strategy. We're making sure we understand the megatrends that will impact on our lives in the years to come.



We’re committed to long-term investments and business partnerships, by harnessing innovation, learning and operational excellence.


People have helped us to develop, produce and market innovative solutions that make a difference both to industry and to humanity. At SABIC we enable you to realize your ideas and make an impact.

Three people looking at a whiteboard

Our Brand

We believe the answer to some of the world's biggest challenges lies in the natural human instinct to collaborate. Together we're making Chemistry that Matters™.

Our Stories

For over 45 years, our ambition to define the future of petrochemicals has yielded solutions for the challenges of today and helped our customers achieve their ambitions for a better tomorrow. We are making a meaningful impact in the world and delivering Chemistry that Matters™.

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